Quick Instructions

Below is an extremely quick summary of how to play RuneScape, it is recommended
that you read the full instructions, but if you don't want to do that, then at least read
the very brief guide below:

  • To explore the world, click where you would like to go. Your player will move to
    stand with his/her feet at the point where you click.

  • When you point at any item in the game, a list of available actions be displayed at
    the top left of the screen. Click on the item with the left-mouse button to perform the
    default action. Click with the right mouse-button to display a menu which lets you
    select from all the available actions.

  • To talk to the other players just type text with your keyboard. Your message will
    appear above your characters head for nearby players to see.

  • To view or use items in your inventory point your mouse at the backpack icon at the
    top right of the screen. You may then click on an item you are holding to use it.

  • Talk to the guide near the starting point for some useful hints on how to get started
    in Runescape.

  • When you have finished playing you should always use the options menu to logout.
    This will ensure your character is saved properly for next time you play.

This webpage is not affiliated with Andrew Gower or Jagex in any way